Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Have you had your first picnic of the summer yet? Your annual backyard wiener roast? (Do people still say "wiener"?) Whether you're gearing up to have your first big party of the summer or your sixth, here's a round-up of links for inspiration:

Three make-ahead summer party menus from New York chefs. On first glance, the dishes look deceptively complicated--due to some very gorgeous photos--but after a closer look, these menus really do look pretty easy. Also, the Vampiro Cocktail, a tequila-based bloody Mary, is my new favorite drink name. (Ideal for True Blood viewing parties, perhaps?) [via NY Mag]

If you want to go beyond burgers and hot dogs, Food & Wine has some sophisticated and healthy grilling recipes (beef tenderloin "dogs", trout with smoky tomatillo sauce) [via F&W]

Picnic tips and recipes, whether you're in a park, on the beach, or on a camping trip. [via BA]

If you can still find Meyer lemons in your part of the world, Gourmet recommends squeezing them over a mix of lemonade and beer to make a Meyer lemon shandy. [via Gourmet]

Smitten Kitchen makes a lemony goat cheese-zucchini pizza. [via Smitten Kitchen]

And for a grand finale dessert, honey-bourbon-caramel peach pie. Woah. [via Sassy Radish]


Megan and Butch! said...

I made SK's lemon goat cheese pizza last night. Holy crap, people, is all I have to say. It is amazing.

Daniel said...


There. I said it.


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