Fall is right behind us, I can almost feel it. The humidity has disappeared, the sun is going down a little earlier, the breeze is slightly cooler. It's been a fun, busy, jam-packed summer (with lots of dinners), but I dread packing up my flip flops.
Looking to soak up every last bit of the season and the sunshine, Dan and I joined our friends Colin and Anne for a trip to Governor's Island, a small land mass situated between Brooklyn and lower Manhattan. Dan and I went there for a picnic last summer, and had such a good time that we had to go back. The island's huge shade trees, old buildings, and lack of cars make you feel miles away from the city, even though you're just a 10-minute ferry ride away.

We found an empty picnic table overlooking the water and set out our bounty: cheese, baguettes, hummus, plums and figs, olives, prosciutto, and chocolate-chip banana bread. We wanted to keep things simple. When the view and company are so great, it doesn't matter so much what's for lunch. Although this was a pretty tasty lunch.

We ate and talked in the shade, swatted wasps, drank lemonade, watched the boats pass by. Living in a city and spending most days indoors makes me feel so happy just to be outside, especially on such a gloriously sunny day.

Another great thing about Governor's Island is there is a free, man-made beach complete with sand and a volleyball net. Not to mention a bar, where you can buy beers and French fries, which we did, duh.

A picnic is nothing groundbreaking, I know. Just put some food in a bag and eat it outside, right? Right. Simple as it was, this was one of those days I will remember when the weather finally does turn. When it's cold and gray and summer seems so far off, I'll remember sitting at a picnic table on an island, eating plums and feeling the sun on my face.
I know which shoes are yours in that picture...
Sounds lovely.
Casey: Yep! My comfy yet geriatric Worishofers.
Nikkilooch: Thanks! It really was. Although I am sure you have great picnics all the time in Italy!
What a lovely picnic. My husband and I will be in NYC for a friend's Brooklyn wedding in less than 2 weeks, and I am so so excited. If we had the time, I'd replicate your Governor's Island picnic...but I think I'll be too busy trying to cram as many bakeries into a 48-hour period of time as I can. :)
Hi Andrea! How fun! Let me know if you need any recommendations.
You got Labor Day right - no labor. The picnic looks like such fun and so easy. Thanks for the reminder of how to picnic right!
Lisa, are you going to post the recipe for the banana bread? So good.
Anyone want to try to match all the shoes to their owners? Anyone?
Molly: Thanks! I love your blog. (And Sunset magazine)
Daniel: Yep, the banana bread recipe is coming up tomorrow.
Well, since my pair of shoes are included in that photo, I won't cheat by playing the game, Dan. But may I just ask, why do my calves look exceptionally large? I suppose all of that delicious food went straight to them. Well, better there than some other places, I suppose!
Anne: It's all in the camera angle, dude, I promise. You have lovely calves. I am sure others will agree. (E?...)
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