And considering that it has been NINETY EIGHT degrees here in New York, you might want to try subsisting solely on this for awhile. Or bathing in it. Whatever.
Strawberry Sorbet
(Serves about 4-6 people)
2 packages frozen strawberries
1 lemon, zested and juiced
About 3/4 cup simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water, heated until dissolved, and cooled)
Mint leaves for garnishing (optional)
Combine strawberries, lemon juice, and zest in food processor. Add simple syrup (and maybe a little water) until the puree is smooth. Can be served immediately, but ideally, it goes in the freezer for a few hours first. It will freeze solid overnight, but it can be thawed.
As if the rendang wasn't enough, David had to make his own sorbet. Showboat.
If I had known, instead of bringing a bottle of wine, I would've made my own in the bathtub.
Your envy is entirely warranted.
But NB: don't use too much zest in the sorbet, or it'll be too zesty!
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