Monday, March 14, 2011

dinner party 3.0

It was time for some sprucing up around here, so Dinner Party got a little face-lift. Nothing drastic--just a new change of clothes. Special thanks to illustrator extraordinare Caroline Hwang who made my new logo. I hope you like it.

And an extra special thanks to all of you for reading and commenting over the past three plus (!) years. I would have you all over for a big celebratory meal if I could, but my apartment is really tiny. And I really like the idea of all of us sharing a table together in this virtual space.




Julie said...

Looks fantastic!

kelly said...

love it!

Margaret Pinard said...

It may look more streamlined or whatnot, but I'll miss seeing your photo of the gingerbread up there in the corner- I actually made that recipe (loved it!) and loved the reminder of my gold-star-for-effort. ;-)

Casey@Good. Food. Stories. said...

Simultaneously retro, adorable, and elegant - just like you!

E. Tyler Lindvall said...

Looks good.

Anonymous said...

Onwards & upwards---cheers to the fresh new look!

Daniel said...

The gingerbread and hand-written place card will live on in our hearts.

Lisa said...

Thanks, everyone!

I'm sorry you miss the food photos, Margaret. A few people said the same thing re: my handwritten title. Hopefully you'll come around to the logo. :)

Michele | Cooking At Home said...

Looking good.

Beth said...

looks great! that's a cute logo.

Anonymous said...

Really sorry but I prefered the old one, am a bit sad. Thought I'd clicked on the wrong blog for a second.

Lisa said...

Thanks, all.

Anon: I'm sorry you feel that way. Change is hard for me too! But I hope you'll come back and keep reading.

Dan said...

Love it!

Valerie said...

Looks great!

Unknown said...

I'm digging it.

Lisa said...

Thank you!

Tender Branson: Where have you been??


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