Friday, March 27, 2009


Just a few quick links—my parents are flying up from Florida today for a short visit so I'm busy (excitedly) tidying up the apartment.

Shredded pork shoulder is a great way to feed a big crowd cheaply. The Kitchn has a helpful step-by-step tutorial on how to do it. [via the Kitchn]

Deb's beef empanadas look like perfect dinner party fare--you could also make mini versions, for appetizers. [via Smitten Kitchen]

Two Times food writers create dinners for six people under $50. Frank Bruni acts as if this is an impossible feat, but clearly it's not that hard when you're used to working with a budget. [via NYT]

The newly-redesigned Pithy & Cleaver has a tasty-looking spicy mixed nuts recipe. [via P&C]

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I loved these links, esp the article on cooking for 6 ppl under $50! I'm gonna have to cook for a party of 8 soon, so this was so useful for me! thanks!

Daniel said...

I know I always seem to be pushing Michael Ruhlman on link day, but he's vacationing in our beloved (more or less) Palm Beaches, and the photo and F. Scott Fitzgerald quote are worth a look:

Lisa said...

Thanks, burpandslurp! Hope your dinner goes well.

Daniel: The pic makes me homesick.

Vanessa said...

"Bradley’s House of Chance" huh!! It's come a long way.


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